student studying in the UD library

Admissions Requirements

The next start date is:  August 27, 2024, for the fall semester.

The graduate admissions committee accepts applications on a rolling basis. The deadline for submitting your application is  August 13, 2024.

The online Master of Science in Applied Statistics program provides students with three opportunities to begin the program each year: Fall, Spring and Summer.

For our annual academic calendar and more detailed application information, please contact an Admissions Counselor at

Applicants from a range of professional and educational backgrounds are eligible for this program and need not have majored in a specific undergraduate field as a prerequisite for admission. To be considered for the online M.S. in Applied Statistics, candidates must meet these requirements:

  • Four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent, from an accredited institution
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 system in mathematics, business, economics, or related discipline
  • Competence in basic statistics, linear algebra, and advanced calculus
    • UD offers a bridge course to prepare students who require a more sufficient background in statistics. These students can take STAT 608 (Statistical Research Methods) online any semester prior to beginning the program. Credits for STAT 608 do not count toward the degree’s 30-credit requirement.
    • Students who require math courses can be admitted into the online M.S. in Applied Statistics program on a conditional basis, but must complete required courses to begin the program.
    • A 1-credit math review course is available to students who meet the program’s admissions requirement for math. Students may find this refresher course beneficial and can take it for credit toward the degree as they begin the program.
  • Computer programming experience

Note: Candidates who meet stated minimum academic requirements are not guaranteed admission, and candidates who do not meet these requirements may be admitted if they offer other related strengths.

Admissions Materials

To apply, please submit these materials:

  • Completed graduate application form
  • Unofficial transcripts from all higher educational institutions that you attended, including those from which you graduated, earned 12 or more credit hours, studied for at least a semester, or took classes related to this degree program. Applicants must provide a list of these institutions and upload the transcripts with the application.

    DO NOT mail official transcripts during the application stage. If you are accepted into the program, you will receive instructions on how and when you must submit official transcripts to UD.

  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Up-to-date resume or C.V.
  • Essay that outlines your educational plans and career goals in relation to this degree program. It may include information about areas that are of special interest to you and why UD’s online MS in Applied Statistics is a good fit for you.

    The essay is an integral part of your application that we closely review. We encourage applicants to take the time to develop and write a thoughtful and thorough statement.

  • Supplemental document: Table that lists and describes all courses you have taken in calculus and linear algebra and relevant statistics courses. These courses include differential and integral calculus through multivariate calculus including multiple integrals, partial derivatives and change of variables for multiple integrals, as well as linear algebra including matrix algebra, determinants, systems of linear equations, inverses and eigenvalues and eigenvectors for symmetric matrices.
  • $75 nonrefundable application fee: Credit card payment is accepted with the online application. Checks must be made payable to the University of Delaware. Applications received without the fee will not be processed.

No GRE Required

Transfer Credits

To request transfer credits, students must use a Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit form and submit it to the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics for evaluation. No transfers are accepted for core STAT courses 670, 671 and 613. A maximum of 9 credits required for the degree will be accepted provided that:

  • Credits were earned with a grade of no less than “B”
  • Credits are approved by the student’s adviser and the Chair of the student’s department
  • Credits are in accord with the specific degree program of the student as specified by the unit’s Graduate Program Policy Statement
  • Credits are not older than five years
  • Credits were completed at an accredited college or university
  • Credits were not courses used to complete a previous degree

The credits, but not the grades or quality points, are transferable to University of Delaware graduate records. Not eligible for transfer to UD are:

  • Credits from graduate courses counted toward a degree received elsewhere
  • Credits earned at another institution while the student was classified as a continuing education student
  • Credits, generally, from institutions outside of the United States

Request Information

To learn more about the University of Delaware’s Master of Science in Applied Statistics, fill out the fields below to download a free brochure. If you have additional questions, please call 844-247-6251 to speak with an Admissions Counselor.


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